Making your garden secure will help to keep thieves out of both your house and your garden. A lot of burglaries are crimes of opportunity and a property that is properly secured is less likely to be targeted.
Good, Strong Fences
A strong fence is a good way to keep out intruders. Panel fences with concrete posts are sturdy, long lasting and difficult to climb. Wooden fences include the traditional picket fence, the rail fence and the split rail fence, which are all attractive ways to protect your house. You could also build a brick wall around the perimeter of your garden.
If you have an existing wall or fence, you can add trellis to make it higher. Do check with your local planning permission office before you go ahead. There is a legal height for fences and walls and rules also apply if your garden joins on to your neighbours’. As a general rule you can go up to one metre at the front of your property and two metres elsewhere.
Pay Attention to Gates
Close off driveways and paths and gardens with a sturdy gate. There are framed single gates which are ideal as garden gates and double gates or sliding gates for driveways. You can match your gate to the height of your wall or fence for extra security. Make sure you have strong gateposts, a good lock and that there is no crossbar; these make climbing easier.
An electric gate is a good idea for a large driveway and if you have existing gates you can automate them yourself. Check out our sister site A Garden Building for articles that tell you all about this.
Lighting Your House and Garden
Outdoor security lighting acts as a good deterrent. No burglar likes to shed light on what they are up to. Consider where you most need lighting, are there areas of your garden or property that are particularly dark? Passive infra-red (PIR) equipped lights come on automatically when they detect heat or movement. Mount the lights at least two metres up so they are less likely to be tampered with.
You can also use the lights to your advantage, lighting up paths and driveways on dark nights. Take care not to light up your neighbours’ garden at the same time though.
Could You be on Candid Camera?
For worried owners, you can go as far as installing security cameras. You can have one or more external cameras linked to a monitor via a video recorder. You will need to invest in a high quality system and ensure that the cameras can record at night, either via infra-red or a well lit area.
Be aware that your cameras must point at your property and garden alone and not at your neighbours’ property or the street.
Secure Garden BuildingsToo
Garden theft is on the increase and there are a few simple measures you can take to secure your garden buildings. Garden sheds should be fitted with heavy duty locks and windows fitted with wire mesh. Garages should also have strong locks and you can invest in alarms for your outdoor sheds and garages. Always lock any large objects together and preferably lock them to something sturdy.
These few simple steps will go a long way to ensuring your garden is as safe and unattractive to intruders as possible.
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