Building a Kid’s Tree House Safely

By |2021-05-24T14:18:35+00:00August 22, 2007|Pets and Children|

Like any kind of ‘den’ or a ‘special’ place which children can call their own, a tree house can be a magical place for a child and they’re sure to have so many special memories of their time spent playing in and around their tree house when they get older. [...]

Installing Kid’s Playground Equipment

By |2021-05-24T14:18:36+00:00August 21, 2007|Pets and Children|

Gardens are places for children to enjoy as well as grown-ups and in later life, kids will have fond and vivid memories of the games they played and the equipment they had to play on when they were young. There are so many different types of play apparatus for children [...]

Advice When Buying Child Sized Tools

By |2021-05-24T14:18:40+00:00November 3, 2006|Pets and Children|

Gardens provide a safe place for children to experience the wonders of nature at close quarters and to discover the cycles of life and getting them to participate in the actual gardening helps them to develop an understanding of the environment and instils a sense of respect for nature. It [...]

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